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Post-covid Values

The ICU4COVID project aims to implement advanced telecommunication systems in medical centers across Europe and to lead and accompany digital transformation processes. Through dealing with difficulties and overcoming many challenges, we learned many lessons. We have accumulated a great deal of experience in everything related to the processes of adoption, assimilation, and operation of telemedicine systems of this magnitude.


The many insights we have formulated will be of great value in the post-Covid era. Now that the peak of the pandemic seems to be behind us, global medical systems are rushing more than ever to take the next step - fast, reliable, and available international cooperation. Global problems require a shared digital solution.


Here are the values ​​of the project that will be most significant in the post-Covid era:


Methodologies for implementing extensive international telemedicine systems

Innovative ways and approaches for the implementation of telemedicine systems on a multi-state scale. Innovative programs and approaches for transmitting medical information, creating medical relationships, joint administrative management, quality control, and attention to possible difficulties. These innovative ways and approaches can be applied in similar large-scale future projects.


Practical experience in implementing extensive and international telemedicine systems

The many lessons we learned during the implementation process can now be used to facilitate similar programs in the future. The practical experience we have accumulated can be a fulcrum for a quick and thorough response to the various challenges of the implementation processes.


Awareness of the socio-cultural impact

The introduction of health information technology into community environments can have many and varied effects. We learned a lot about the socio-cultural impacts of a project of this kind. We learned to act with the understanding that we need to be very sensitive, and that we have a lot of responsibility. Understanding how to apply the socio-cultural conscious approach to large-scale telemedicine projects is a significant tool in the toolbox of any future project.


The art of collaborations

ICU4COVID is a project that combines many partners from various fields of practice - medicine, academia, technology, multinational organizations, and business institutions. The project is an example of building stable cross-professional relationships that have good and proactive collaborations.


Making quality medicine accessible in the geographical periphery

Expanding access and accessibility to advanced medicine underlies our entire project. Our activity structure, which has the Hubs at its heart, enables the transfer of available information and data to remote locations. One of the most significant insights that emerged from the project is the effectiveness of telemedicine tools in making advanced medicine accessible to the geographical periphery. This unique Hubs structure can be used for many other projects and contribute greatly to tightening ties and reducing gaps between populations.


Acceleration of video use for medical knowledge transfer and counseling

Video medical advice became a major solution during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many medical service providers have found it an available, fast, and convenient tool for maintaining continuity of care. ICU4COVID puts the issue of medical advice and knowledge sharing through video at the center. The success of the project is an example of the success of the medium, and it is another part of the acceleration of the use of video for the transfer of medical knowledge and counseling.


Experience in bridging professional language gaps

One of the most significant lessons we have learned in this project is how to succeed in bridging the gaps in professional language - between the technological, medical, and social language. The difference between them is not only in their character but also in the way they explain reality. This experience is invaluable for future cross-disciplinary projects.


Accelerating the digital transformation of medical centers

Our system and infrastructure enable medical centers to progress faster in their digital transformation processes. Through our digital infrastructure (and our training) they can learn, see examples, practice skills, gain experience, and prepare their teams for the rapidly approaching digital and medical integration.



Like any new technology, our project strives to be inspiring. As part of our vision to make Europe's hospitals faster, smarter, and more accurate, we believe we can serve as a model for the next generation of telemedicine innovation. Our tools, methodologies, techniques, and knowledge structures are at the service of humanity as a whole. We hope today to be the basis for tomorrow's technological and medical innovation.

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