Selected academic publications
One of our main goals is to create connectivity between professionals, researchers and medical staff to help create a conscious and connected scientific community. To this end, we have compiled for you a list of academic publications that are directly related to the project.
The ICU4COVId project seeks to be a source of information, to encourage advanced research on the subject, and to be a significant tool for researchers and research communities around the world - to help them stay up to date with the latest information.
If you would like to read more materials we recommend a number of selected research databases on the subject.
Gernot Marx1, Wolfgang Greiner2, Christian Juhra3, Svenja Elkenkamp2, Daniel Gensorowsky2, Sebastian W. Lemmen4, Jan Englbrecht5, Sandra Dohmen1, Antje Gottschalk5, Miriam Haverkamp4, Annette Hempen6, Christian Flügel-Bleienheuft7, Daniela Bause5, Henna Schulze-Steinen1, Susanne Rademacher1, Jennifer Kistermann1, Stefan Hoch7, Hans-Jürgen Beckmann6, Christian Lanckohr8, Volker Lowitsch9, Arne Peine1, Fabian Juzek-Kuepper4, Carina Benstoem1, Kathrin Sperling5*, Robert Deisz1* and the TELnet Study Group
Evidence-based infectious disease and intensive care management is more relevant than ever. Medical expertise in the two disciplines is often geographically limited to university institutions. In addition, the interconnection between inpatient and outpatient care is often insufficient (eg, no shared electronic health record, no digital transfer of patient findings). Objective To establish and evaluate a telemedical inpatient-outpatient network based on expert teleconsultations to increase treatment quality in intensive care medicine...
Measurable patient benefit through digital healthcare networks for COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care in the Virtual Hospital NRW
S. Dohmen1, C. Benstoem, · S.W. Lemmen, · A. Eisert, · A. Zarbock & G. Marx
At the end of March 2020, the state government in NRW created the Virtual Hospital COVID-19 as part of its pandemic strategy, a unique health- care structure in Germany to provide all intensive care beds in the state with the expertise of a maximum care provider...